Benoit Debled

Software Developer
Firmware Developer

Asteroids Game

During my first year in college, I’ve learnt Python and Java. To practice a little bit our java skill, we were asked by group of two, to create an asteroids game.

Each time you would shoot an asteroid, that asteroid would split into two smaller asteroids. And this until the asteroids are small enough. Here are some features that are implemented :

  • Keeps the 10 best scores
  • Level selector
  • Teleportation : when you hit the T key, your ship is teleported to the other game panel
  • Energy gauge : the energy is evenly distributed according to what you use the most. For example, if you’re going as fast as the ship can go, then, you are not going to have a lot of energy in your missile and your shield.

Unfortunately, due to school policy, I can not share my code… But if you have any questions of how I did something, if you want any advice, do not hesitate to contact me!